Hi Everyone,

February Newswheel attached.

Best Regards,


Note about Newsletter Circulation.

This is the last newsletter I will send out this way. Going forwards the Newsletter will be sent out using the British Cycling Club System and the newsletter will only be emailed out to club members.

If your membership has lapsed then you can re-join here: http://www.thanetrc.org/join-on-line.shtml if you don’t ride any more it is only £5 to be a social member.The newsletter will also be available on the club website see http://www.thanetrc.org/ and click on “Latest News”

You can also subscribe to the club news email feed on this page: http://thanetrc.wordpress.com/ just click the grey tab at the bottom right that says “Follow” and enter your email address. You don’t have to be a club member to subscribe to this.

These improvements in the distribution will protect us all from the risk of any spam attacks or virus threats.
