Turbo Sessions
Turbo training sessions are running from Thursday 11th October 2013 to Thursday March 28th 2014 at 18.00 – 19.30
Location is Ursuline College sports hall in Westgate.
The Ursuline site rules and details on where to park are here >>>
We are not professional coaches but are just offering our advice and encouragement at the session.
The sessions will different to the previous turbo nights we have done at St Nicholas.
(We will not be swapping riders on/off the i-magics)
Here is what to bring and what to expect:

– Your turbo trainer and bike to fit
– Make sure you have tried and tested it before you come (please help keep the hall tidy – clean bikes please!)
– Something to put under your turbo to stop it slipping across the floor (rubber mat)
– Heart rate monitor
– A drink
– Your enthusiasm
– Towel
– Something warm to wear home
– To sweat!
– To have fun (if you like that sort of thing)
– 12 minutes warm up, 3 phases of 45 second, 1 minute and 5 minute intervals and warm down based around heart rate levels
– Cyclist stretching session at the end.
– We will have a sheet for you to record some basic data before you leave the session – setting a goal for the next session
– We have to have the hall clear by 19.30 and will finish in time to allow for this
Information that will help:
– Heart Rate Monitors – TRC have purchased some – Colin will bring them to the session if you need to borrow one.
– Rollers – some sets of rollers will be available to those who prefer
As soon as you get there set up your turbo in front of white screen in a ‘wide peloton’ formation and start warming up
The sessions are based on the 6 basic heart rate levels resting( R) to 5.
Work out your own levels before the session – to do this:
From the example below 100% is your maximum heart rate and work back %’s
Percentage of maximum Beats per minute Training level number

We offer prizes for the best ‘Turboer’ at Christmas and in March.
To cover the cost to hire the hall we charge £2.00 for under 18’s and £3.50 for everyone else
Contact Simon Henderson for more information >>>
