After our fantastic trip last year I am organizing another trip to Oudenaarde this Spring. This will be during May Half-term but will be three days and two nights at the hostel we stayed at last time. I am proposing Weds 27th to Friday 29th May and that we try to complete all three of the mapped routes. The hostel have confirmed availability so I would like to confirm numbers and get this booked. I need some help with the following:
1. I hope I’ve got everyone covered on the invite but please feel free to expand the invitation. The hostel has accommodation for 24 inside but we can certainly arrange more.
2. Drivers – Like last year we need some volunteers to drive – I will drive and I’m hoping that we can repeat last year’s convoy. – Please could volunteers let me know either way.
3. Costs – It will be somewhere between £70-£80 each based on 2 nights plus a share of ferry and petrol. I really don’t think there is any way to do this cheaper.
4. Food – (again on costs) To keep costs to a minimum and not rely on Rob too much (
– last year’s breakfast was great!), we may like to do some shared cooking – perhaps breakfasts and 1 dinner meal. The kitchen was pretty good so we could plan for this and have a washing up rota too! All ideas welcome.
5. Exams – I know we’ll be running up to exams for several of the YDT members – what I suggest is that we have some revision time / home work time planned for each day – there are plenty of degrees amongst the adults so we may even be able to help.
I’d like to confirm the booking for the hostel within the next two weeks. Please could those of you that want to come along please let me know, especially drivers!
Thanks and hoping everyone can make it!
Steve L
Home 01843 864948
Mob 07702 515779